Old news
14 September 2019: I am visiting the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh between 16-19 September 2019. I will also give a talk on Convergence rates for optimised adaptive importance samplers.
24 August 2019: I have visited the School of Mathematics at University of Edinburgh between 18-23 August 2019.
11 March 2019: I have successfully defended my PhD thesis!
27 August 2018: I am attending to the Opening Workshop of Bayesian Computation for High-Dimensional Statistical Models, in Singapore!
16 June 2018: I am currently visiting the Alan Turing Institute, London, UK.
20 May 2018: I will be visiting the Signal and Information Processing Group, Fraunhofer HHI in Berlin, Germany until 15 June 2018.
25 March 2018: I will be attending to BayesComp between 26-28 March, which will be held in Barcelona.
21 March 2018: I have attended to i-like workshop on Bayesian Data Science for Health in Warwick University, Coventry, UK.
15 January 2018: I have started my visit of the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. I will be working under the supervision of Dan Crisan.
14 December 2017: My supervisor Joaquin Miguez presented our work on noisy importance samplers at CAMSAP 2017. Initially, the paper was nominated for the best student paper award, however, I could not travel (as the only student author) because of various intractable bureaucratic problems. Paper will be soon online.
28 August 2017: We have submitted an arXiv preprint titled Nudging the Particle Filter. I am going to present a poster during SMC 2017 which will be held between 29 August - 1 September, in Uppsala, Sweden.
31 July 2017: During August, I will be visiting Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany.
18 June 2017: Between 19-23 June 2017, I am attending to the Dobbiaco Summer School on Probabilistic Numerics, which will be held in Dobbiaco, Italy.
10 April 2017: Between 10-13 April 2017, I am attending to the Spring School and Workshop on Volatility Dynamics and Option Prices and Econometrics of Intraday Data organised by the Bernoulli Center at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.
11 December 2016: I have attended to European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning and NIPS 2016 in Barcelona, Spain between 3-10 December 2016. I have also submitted a workshop paper and presented a poster at the NIPS Workshop on Optimizing the Optimizers.
4 July 2016: Between 4-8 July 2016, I am attending to the Summer School on Uncertainty Quantification for Applied Problems in Bilbao, Spain.
26 June 2016: Between 26-29 June 2016, I am attending to the IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
16 May 2016: Between 16-20 May 2016, I am visiting School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London.
1 February 2016: Between 1-5 February 2016, I am visiting School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London.
10 December 2015: Between 14-24 December 2015, I will visit School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London. I will also attend to Christmas workshop on Sequential Monte Carlo.
15 Sept. 2015: As of 1 October 2015, I will be joining to Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Signal Processing Group to work under the supervision of Prof. Joaquin Miguez.
07 Sept. 2015: I have submitted a new preprint on Matrix Factorisation with Linear Filters.
28 July 2015: I attended to Machine Learning Summer School at Tübingen. I am grateful to MLSS Tübingen for their generous full financial support!
8 July 2015: I will attend to Machine Learning Summer School, Tübingen, Germany between 13-24 July 2015. I will also present a poster. You can see the pdf version from here.
27 June 2015: I attended to the summer school on Foundations and Advances in Stochastic Filtering in Castelldefels, Barcelona.
14 June 2015: I have submitted a paper on online matrix factorizations. You can see it on the arXiv. Here is my blogpost about it.
1987: I was born in beautiful Adana.