I am looking for motivated PhD students and postdocs who are interested in computational statistics and generative models. There is a number of funding opportunities -- please get in touch if you are interested in working with me.
Aside from standard studentships, you can apply to (watch this space for changes)
- StatML: EPSRC CDT in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning at Imperial and Oxford
- MFC CDT: EPSRC CDT for Doctoral Training in the Mathematics for our Future Climate: Theory, Data and Simulation
- CCMI CDT: EPSRC CDT in Collaborative Computational Modelling at the Interface (see my project proposal)
There are also other postdoctoral opportunities at Imperial. Please get in touch with me if you are interested so we can discuss an application.
There are also multiple other ways to work with me if you are not at the PhD level.
M4R/JMC (Imperial) students
I aim at taking one or two M4R/JMC students each year. If you want to work with me, please get in touch as early as possible. Also it is important to note that I prioritise students who took my 3rd year module Stochastic Simulation as this course contains the basics of the topics I work on. Therefore, consider taking this module! If during or after the module you decide that you are interested in doing this, please contact me and send your CV. It would be also great if you can send me any prior work/report/github repo etc.
MSc (Statistics - Imperial) students
It is usual that MSc projects each year start early summer. However, my preference is to start discussing earlier so if you want to guarantee that I have a spot for you, please contact me earlier and send me any prior work/report/github repo. While we may not start working, we may explore a few topics and you can do some reading setting you up for the MSc project.
M3R (Imperial)
M3R: Similar to above, I prioritise students who took my module. The advice is similar to M4R, please see above.
UROPs (Imperial)
While I do not have preset topics for a UROP, I am interested in hearing from motivated students. If you are interested in sending an email for this, please write in the email (i) what interests you most, (ii) add your CV, (iii) share any reports/documents from previous UROPs or any Github repos you can show to demonstrate your background.
The photo is of Imperial's South Kensington Campus. It was taken by Dmnk.saman and is reproduced here under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.